
More from Lance

Lance also says:

The new Starchild – Crossroads collection has an intro by Gaiman that wasn’t written under duress of any kind. It has some interesting points about stories and how they are written. Also of note is that the cats like Meow mix and Holly and Mike don’t like lima beans. (Does anyone really like lima beans?)

In the convention listings in the lastest Locus, Gaiman is listed as as one of the guests of honor at World Horror Con 1999 (next year, not this year) along with Lisa Snellings and John Shirley. This will be in Atlanta. For info you might try sending some e-mail to:

I recently received some e-mail from Lawrence Schimel that I had missed a piece of Gaimaniana. “Reading the Entrails” is a rondel that appears in _The Fortune Teller_, an anthology that Schimel edited with Martin H. Greenberg. I’ve updated the Gaiman bibliography and will be posting it shortly.

This may have already been posted, but the latest Previews says that A Distant Soil will include an adaptation of Gaiman’s “Troll Bridge.” Colleen Doran will be doing the art, of course. There’s a retailer incentive program, buy 20 get an alternative cover signed by Gaiman and Doran, so bug your retailer now. This is a solicitation for a May release, but I think ADS is still running a bit late.

Don’t forget that Gaiman will be doing the framing bit for the Welcome Back to the House of Mystery due out May 6. Sergio Aragones is doing the art. (Aragones used to work on the old House of Mystery, so I’m looking forward to this.) My new theory is that the April issue of Previews will have the Cain and Abel bookends, but don’t hold me to this.