Clippings has posted an article in which Neil talks about Douglas Adams.
And in the non-online version of the recent Guardian article, Peter Straub lists as one of his favorite websites.
Other than that, I’m not finding much around that hasn’t already been well covered elsewhere; you probably have already seen the info about the International Horror Guild nomination for American Gods, and the fact that Neil’s featured in the April/May issue of Sketch magazine. I guess it’s just time to sit tight until the paperback of American Gods goes flying up the bestseller lists, or until Coraline makes it’s debut there.
If anyone has Boskone reports they want links put up to, please let me know? Thanks.
who will put up a report as soon as this bronchitis/flu/lurgi thing that’s knocked the wind out of her sails since Boskone lets her be for a day. Honest.