Erm…when he mentioned the Don’t Panic related interview on Science Fiction Weekly on Sunday, he didn’t mention that Life, the Universe, and Everything was going to be on radio, yes?
And while we’re on the topic, this is reposted from
Completist Gaiman bibliophiles may be interested to know that my book Hitchhiker: A Biography of Douglas Adams has just been published in its US hardback edition by Justin, Charles & Co of Boston, with a new foreword very kindly written for me by Neil Gaiman. (The UK edition has a foreword by John Lloyd.)
This comes at pretty much the same time as Titan Books’ new US hardback of Don’t Panic: Neil’s 1988 book with the four additional chapters that David K Dickson wrote in 1993 and the four that I wrote last year when this edition was published in UK paperback. (The US edition has a short new intro by Neil which the UK one doesn’t have.)
This of course creates the extraordinary situation of two near-simultaneous biographies of the same person, one written by Neil Gaiman but with some pages by MJ Simpson, and one written by MJ Simpson with some pages by Neil Gaiman!
–MJ Simpson