

Most of this information is from what is currently listed in Bowker’s Global Books in Print, but it is supplemented from the various Amazon sites. Please note that the release dates (as well as many other things) are likely to change.

Primary Titles

The Graveyard Book (listed in Books in Print as Graveyard):
Hard cover (Cloth Bound) – Children’s Fiction (Juvenile Fiction)

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Canada, Limited
ISBN: 0-06-053092-8 / 978-0-06-053092-1
Library Binding: 0-06-053093-6 / 978-0-06-053093-8
Publication Date: April 2008

Note: No listings yet for other countries.

Good Omens
Paperback (Mass Market) – Fiction

United States:
Publisher: Morrow/Avon
ISBN: 0-06-085398-0 / 978-0-06-085398-3
Publication Date: December 2006

Note: Amazon Canada is listing the US edition, as is Amazon UK

Note: You can do an Amazon Look Inside The Book for the 2001 edition at Amazon US, which is somewhat useful when you’re half-remembering quotes. The rest of the stats are less useful, but more fun.

Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders:
Hard Cover (Cloth Bound) – Fiction / Short Stories

United States:
Publisher: Morrow/Avon
ISBN: 0-06-051522-8 / 978-0-06-051522-5
Publication Date: October 2006.
Note: Amazon US is listing the publication date as September 26, 2006.

Note: There is no Global Books in Print listing for the release of this in other countries as of yet, but this is the information from the Amazon sites.

United Kingdom:
Publisher: Headline Book Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 0755334124
Publication Date: September 25, 2006

Note: Amazon Canada is listing both the US and UK editions, both with different publication dates.

Fragile Things CD: Stories:
CD – Fiction / Short Stories

United States:
Publisher: HarperTrade
ISBN: 0-06-114237-9 / 978-0-06-114237-6
Publication Date: October 2006

Note: Amazon Canada is also listing this product on their website. The US Amazon one lists the CD as Abridged, the Canadian as Unabridged, but they both have the same code, and are probably the same product.

Note: No listing of the stories appearing in the collection is available on the websites, either for the book or the CD. Also, there is no indication whether or not different stories will be included in the Headline and Morrow editions.

The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish:
Paperback (Trade Paper) – Children’s Fiction (Juvenile Fiction)

United States:
Publisher: HarperCollins Children’s Book Group
ISBN: 0-06-058703-2 / 978-0-06-058703-1
Publication Date: October 2006

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Canada, Limited
ISBN: 0-06-058703-2 / 978-0-06-058703-1
Publication Date: September 2006

Anansi Boys:
Paperback (Mass Market) – Fiction

United States:
Publisher: Morrow/Avon
ISBN: 0-06-051519-8 / 978-0-06-051519-5
Publication Date: October 2006

Note: Amazon Canada is also listing this product on their website, with a publication date of September 13, 2006.

Note: Amazon UK is listing the Headline version, with a publication date of May 8, 2006.

Stardust CD

Unites States:
Publisher: HarperTrade
ISBN: 0-06-115392-3 / 978-0-06-115392-1
Publication Date: September 2006

Note: Amazon Canada is also listing this product on their website, with a publication date of August 16, 2006.

In May 2006, Headline released trade paper versions of their editions of American Gods, Smoke and Mirrors, Stardust, and Neverwhere to the Australian market.

Related Titles

Year’s Best Fantasy 6
Editors: David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer
Publisher: Tachyon Publications
ISBN: 1-892391-37-6 / 978-1-892391-37-7
Publication Date: September 2006

Note: This publication includes the short story, Sunbird.

Note: Amazon Canada is also listing this product on their website.

The Good Fairies of New York
Author: Martin Millar
Contributor: Introduction by Neil Gaiman
Publisher: Soft Skull Press, Incorporated
ISBN: 1-933368-36-5 / 978-1-933368-36-8
Publication Date: July 2006

Note: Amazon Canada and Amazon UK are also listing this product on their websites.

Art and Artifice: And Other Essays on Illusion
Author: Jim Steinmeyer
Contributor: Introduction by Neil Gaiman
Publisher: Avalon Publishing Group / Carroll & Graf
ISBN: 0-7867-1806-4 / 978-0-7867-1806-1
Publication Date: September 2006
Note: Amazon Canada is also listing this product on their website.

The Sandman Papers: An Exploration of the Sandman Mythology
Paperback (Trade Paper) – Essays – Comic Books
Author: Joe (Ed) Sanders
Contributor: Introduction by Neil Gaiman
Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

United Kingdom:
ISBN: 1-56097-748-5 / 978-1-56097-748-3
Publication Date: May 2006

ISBN: 1-56097-748-5 / 978-1-56097-748-3
Publication Date: April 2006

United States:
ISBN: 1-56097-748-5 / 978-1-56097-748-3
Publication Date: April 2006