

I knew this would happen, eventually.

Work picked up, and so all the interesting bits this week (like the fact the New York Times *finally* reviewed American Gods, the first Neil book they’ve done so with since Good Omens) were found either by Puck or Neil has them up in the blog.

Perhaps you’ll be entertained by the fact that American Gods is one of the “premier” titles you can select for free from when you purchase a RCA portable eBook?

Or that the DC Online newsletter mentioning the Collected Editions CD ROM is in the middle of the page at CBEM?

Or the fact that American Gods is on CBRs summer reading list although it looked like Bill Sienkiewicz was trying to keep his recommendations to books with ‘pitchers’?

Or that American Gods was on the recommends list at Netsurfer a few weeks ago?

And you don’t even want to know about how old the articles I missed on Wired News were.

Sigh. Bad researcher. No tim tam.