American Gods Review – Oregonian
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AMERICAN GODS, Portland Oregonian, 07/29/2001 p D09
Steve Perry
Ever wonder what happens to the old gods people have mostly forgotten? In “American Gods,” Neil Gaiman takes us on a fascinating tour through a U.S. chock-full of has-been deities. As each wave of immigrants from the Old World arrived, they brought their idols with them — and those idols are still here, surviving on what crumbs of belief they can find. These aren’t can’t-touch-me spiritual forms either, but undertakers, taxi drivers and con men. These are legends destitute and almost faded, and like Tinkerbell, they need belief to exist.
This premise alone makes for an interesting novel, but Gaiman goes further — the new icons of our popular culture, Internet wraiths, the spirits of shadowy government black helicopters, the gods of television, don’t want competitors, even those in steep decline. There is a war brewing, a final showdown between gods old and new. Gaiman creates a rich tapestry of intriguing characters and includes much material that many readers may not recognize. Even so, he provides readers with a rich and entertaining allegorical tale.