

Neil Gaiman: A Man For All Seasons

Most of the creators identified herein as “comic book rebels” have bucked the status quo of how comic books are published and the role creative people are relegated to in the traditional business structure of the industry. Yet Neil Gaiman continues to regularly work with established publishers like DC Comics. […]

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Neil on AOL

Straight from AOL, here’s a transcript of Neil’s interview on February uh… 24 (?) 1996. I’ve done a bit of editing to clean it up and boldface the speakers’ names. OnlineHost: OnlineHost: *** You are in “The Odeon”. *** OnlineHost: DCOMLeib: Tonight’s event with SANDMAN creator NEIL GAIMAN will begin […]

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Radio Interview with Neil Gaiman

To The Best Of Our Knowledge, broadcast May 31, 1995 A production of The Ideas Network, University of Wisconsin INTRODUCTION Neil Gaiman: I remember when I was about seven, somebody gave me books of American comics. They were just the most wonderful, alien things. Everything about them was strange. I […]

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Review of a Neil Gaiman Reading

This file courtesy of Aron Wallaker – August 23/94 The Beguiling presented Neil Gaiman at the Bathurst Street Theatre in an even to raise funds for The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Representatives were on hand from both the Canadian and US branches of the CBLDF distributing information and […]

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Gaiman Interview with Brian Hibbs

Interview with Neil Gaiman. Conducted October 26, 1989 12:30 am. by Brian Hibbs, Owner of San Francisco’s Comix Experience. Transcribed by Brian Hibbs. Edited by Brian Hibbs, and Neil Gaiman. Editor’s Spoiler: If some of the questions and answers seem non-linear, please keep in mind this interview began at 12:30 […]

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Myth, Magic, and the Mind of Neil Gaiman on Wild River Review

Myth, Magic and the Mind of Neil Gaiman on the Wild River Review. WRR: As time marches on and cultures collide, new cauldrons of belief are stirred and new faith systems arise from reformulated archetypes. In American Gods, you’ve presented the collision of old and new culture in a poignant […]

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Aussie Podcast

Bruce Moyle sends this along: I thought I would drop you a line and say we have just put up our podcasting which features a 28 minute interview with Neil from the Sydney Writers Festival. If you post it on your website, please warn your readers that the surrounding content […]

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