Bibliobytes has a disturbing story by Neil called Eaten. This is *really* disturbing – you have been warned.
The Sandman read along podcast
Bibliobytes has a disturbing story by Neil called Eaten. This is *really* disturbing – you have been warned.
I have links to the original versions of the Sandman Annotations at but the new official home is
The Sandman FAQ is located at No, I can’t answer your questions of update it – that’s Lance’s job. 😛 is the Official site for this excellent Japanese Animated Movie.
Thanks to Mason Stockstill for typing in this Gaiman Interview #6. It was originally published in the University of California, Irvine radio station (KUCI) autumn 1997 program guide. The original interview broadcast on June 27, 1997. Interview #5 From the book Comic Book Rebels, courtesy of Eden. Interview #1 – Neil with Brian Hibbs of […]
Review of Smoke and Mirrors in the LA Times. Thanks to Lucy Anne for collecting most of these and sending them in. Sunday Times interview with Terry Pratchett about Good Omens. Sunday Times article about graphic novels. Chicago Tribune article about The Sandman winning the 1991 World Fantasy Award for best short fiction. Atlanta Journal […]
Lance says: Stardust has been nominated for the Fantasy Award for Adult Literature in the 1999 Mythopoeic Awards. The announcement is at the Locus site Or go to the Mythopoeic Awards site at more info about the awards.
Lucy Anne found several Princess Mononoke trailers, including an English version online at
Cindy Porter found out some tidbits and posted them to (aka, the altfan.thingie) Hey! I’ve found two things you might think are nifty…hope someone out there thinks so, too! 🙂 The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writer’s Dreams has a dream of Neil’s…made me wince, not because it wasn’t good (Oh, it was) but […]
Lance reports some depressing news: So here’s a story… DC and Neil Gaiman negotiate to correct the colors on Brief Lives. Each change is discussed. Five people are hired to do color corrections and dozens of hours are spent recoloring and shooting a new film. The new printing of the book is run off, the […]