

Playtone Setting Neil Gaiman’s ‘American Gods’ For HBO Series

Dare we dream? As HBO prepares to unveil its epic-sized series adaptation of George RR Martin’sGame of Thrones this Sunday, the payweb has begun talks to acquire the Neil Gaiman novel American Gods to be developed into another fantasy series. The project was brought to HBO by Playtone partners Tom Hanks […]

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The Sandman coming to television? is reporting The Sandman may be coming to television. Warner Bros. TV is in the midst of acquiring television rights from sister company DC Entertainment and in talks with several writer-producers about adapting the 1990s comic. At the top of the list is Eric Kripke, creator of the CW’s […]

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Neil Gaiman Confirms Doctor Who Episode

SFX has the scoop: “Over the years SFX, and its readers and their votes in the polls, have always been very kind to me. I thought I’d return the favour with what used to be called, in journalistic circles when I was a boy, a scoop. As anyone who’s read […]

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Marvel buys the rights to Miracleman

IO9 reports from the SanDiego ComicCon 2009 – Comics’ Lost Classic Finally Finds a Home? The big news from Marvel at San Diego this year is that they’ve purchased the rights to the long-lost legendary character Miracleman, home of some of Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman’s earliest published work. However, […]

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Neil on Colbert Tonight Confirmed!

Neil tweeted: Good morning world. I am blinking and strange-haired today. Will be interviewed on Colbert Report tonight, the reality of which just hit me. We all know Colbert will try to “nail” him, but as a huge fan of the show I know that the Colbert “character” also loves […]

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Neil on the Today Show

The Today Show’s website has a streaming version of today’s brief interview, where Neil reveals that Neil Jordan (In Dreams, The Crying Game) will be the writer and director of the live-action Graveyard Book movie.

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The Graveyard Book wins The Newbery Medal

The 2009 winner of The Newbery Medal is Neil’s “The Graveyard Book”! The John Newbery Medal is a literary award given by the Association for Library Service to Children of the American Library Association (ALA) to the author of the Outstanding American Children’s Book. The award has been given since […]

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